Thursday, September 22, 2011

I spoke at Sun Yat-Sen University - August 2010

I spoke at Sun Yat-Sen University, the audience was the Chongqing Tax Bureau officials. The subject is US tax system with a focus on rules for non-residents.

I was excited to re-visit Sun Yat-Sen University, one of the top universities in China.  Last time I went there was more than 10 years ago visiting a friend who attended the medical school there. I walked around in the campus after my speech, it was a nice feeling.

I spoke at the Guangzhou tax bureau training course - August 2010

I had the pleasure to be invited to speak at a Guangzhou tax bureau training course, the topic was non-resident taxation in the USA.  As the Chinese taxation system develops more toward the international standard, the Chinese are interested to learn how western countries deal with certain areas, such as taxation on non-residents. The US has various regulations and case law in this area, I was pleased to share my knowledge of the US tax regulations, view and experience with the Chinese tax bureau officials. During the training course a senior official from the central government tax bureau in Beijing also shared his view on the focus of certain developments in China. After my presentation, my colleagues presented how non-resident taxation works in Germany, UK and France.  The course was not only a great teaching experience, but also a good learning and networking experience for me.